Checkliste Opiliones az
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Checkliste Aserbaidschan: Opiliones
Die hier angegebene Artenliste muss nicht zwingend der offiziellen Checkliste des Landes Aserbaidschan entsprechen. Wir berücksichtigen auch neueste Publikationen. Möglicherweise ist unsere Aufstellung aktueller. Die hier aufgeführte Liste entspricht den Daten, welche in der Datenbank unseres Wikis enthalten sind. Zu einigen Ländern haben wir nur sehr wenig Daten.
In Klammern gesetzte Arten wurden zwar in dem Land nachgewiesen, sind aber nicht etabliert. Durchgestrichene Arten wurden explizit aus der Liste gestrichen.
- Dicranolasma giljarovi Šilhavý, 1966: (Snegovaya NY 2003)
- Dicranolasma ponticum Gruber, 1998: (Snegovaya NY & Staręga W 2011)
- Dicranolasma scabrum (Herbst, 1799): (Snegovaya NY 2003)
3 Arten.
- Giljarovia tenebricosa (Redikorzev, 1936): (Snegovaya NY & Chemeris AN 2004)
- Histricostoma caucasicum (Redikorzev, 1936): (Snegovaya NY & Chemeris AN 2004)
- Mediostoma variabile martens, 2006: (Snegovaya NY & Staręga W 2011)
- Mitostoma gracile (Redikorzev, 1936): (Snegovaya NY 2003) (Snegovaya NY & Chemeris AN 2004)
- Paranemastoma filipes (Roewer, 1919): (Snegovaya NY & Staręga W 2011)
- Paranemastoma kalischevskyi (Roewer, 1951): (Snegovaya NY & Chemeris AN 2004)
6 Arten.
- Lenkoraniella nigricoxa Snegovaya & Staręga, 2011: (Snegovaya NY & Staręga W 2011)
- Odiellus lendli (Sørensen, 1894): (Snegovaya NY 1999) (Snegovaya NY 2003)
- Opilio apsheronicus Snegovaya, 2005: (Snegovaya NY 2010)
- Opilio arborphilus Snegovaya, 2010: (Snegovaya NY 2010)
- Opilio dinaricus Šilhavý, 1938: (Snegovaya NY 2003)
- Opilio hemseni Roewer, 1952: (Snegovaya NY & Staręga W 2008) (Snegovaya NY & Staręga W 2011)
- Opilio lederi Roewer, 1911: (Snegovaya NY 1999) (Snegovaya NY 2003) (Snegovaya NY & Staręga W 2011)
- Opilio morini Snegovaya, 2016: (Snegovaya NY 2016)
- Opilio nabozhenkoi Snegovaya, 2010: (Snegovaya NY 2010)
- Opilio parietinus (De Geer, 1778): (Snegovaya NY 1999) (Snegovaya NY 2003) (Snegovaya NY 2010) (Snegovaya NY & Staręga W 2011)
- Opilio shirvanicus Snegovaya, 2004: (Snegovaya NY 2004) (Snegovaya NY 2010)
- Opilio silvestris Snegovaya, 2010: (Snegovaya NY 2010)
- Phalangium armatum Snegovaya, 2005: (Kurt K et al. 2015) (Snegovaya NY & Staręga W 2011)
- Phalangium armenicum Tchemeris, 2012: (Snegovaya NY 2014)
- Phalangium bakuense Snegovaya, 2006: (Snegovaya NY 2005)
- Phalangium punctipes (L. Koch, 1878): (Chemeris AN & Kovblyuk MM 2005) (Snegovaya NY 1999) (Snegovaya NY 2003) (Snegovaya NY & Staręga W 2011)
- Phalangium savignyi Audouin, 1826: (Snegovaya NY 1999) (Snegovaya NY 2003)
- Phalangium staregai Snegovaya, 2005: (Snegovaya NY & Staręga W 2011)
- Rilaena kelbajarica Snegovaya & Pkhakadze, 2014: (Snegovaya NY & Pkhakadze VD 2014)
- Rilaena lenkoranica Snegovaya, 2007: (Snegovaya NY 2007) (Snegovaya NY & Staręga W 2011)
- Rilaena picta (Mkheidze, 1952): (Kurt K 2015) (Snegovaya NY & Chemeris AN 2004)
- Rilaena pusilla (Roewer, 1952): (Snegovaya NY 1999) (Snegovaya NY 2003)
- Rilaena talyshica (Snegovaya, 2007): (Snegovaya NY 2007) (Snegovaya NY & Staręga W 2011)
- Rilaena triangularis (Herbst, 1799): (Snegovaya NY 2003) (Snegovaya NY & Chemeris AN 2004)
- Zachaeus anatolicus (Kulczyński, 1903): (Snegovaya NY 2003)
- Zachaeus birulai Redikortsev, 1936: (Snegovaya NY 1999) (Snegovaya NY 2003) (Snegovaya NY & Staręga W 2011)
- Zachaeus crista (Brullé, 1832): (Snegovaya NY 1999) (Snegovaya NY 2003)
- Zachaeus shachdag Snegovaya & Staręga, 2008: (Snegovaya NY & Staręga W 2008)
28 Arten.
- Calathocratus caucasicus (Šilhavý, 1966): (Snegovaya NY 1999) (Snegovaya NY 2003) (Snegovaya NY & Chemeris AN 2004) (Snegovaya NY & Staręga W 2011)
- Trogulus nepaeformis (Scopoli, 1763): (Snegovaya NY 2003)
- Trogulus rossicus Šilhavý, 1968: (Snegovaya NY & Chemeris AN 2004)
3 Arten.
Insgesamt 40 etablierte Art(en).
- Chemeris AN & Kovblyuk MM (2005): A contribution to the knowledge of the harvestman fauna of the Crimea (Arachnida: Opiliones). Arthropoda Selecta 14 (4), S. 305–328.
- Kurt K, Koç H & Yağmur EA (2015): Two new records for turkish harvestmen fauna (Arachnida: Opiliones). Entomological News 125 (2), 127–135.
- Kurt K (2015): A new species and a new record of the genus Rilaena Šilhavý, 1965 (Opiliones: Phalangiidae) from Turkey. Entomological News 124 (5), 345–353.
- Snegovaya NY & Chemeris AN (2004): A contribution to the knowledge of the harvestman fauna of the Zakataly State Reserve, Azerbaijan (Arachnida: Opiliones). Arthropoda Selecta 13 (4), 263–278.
- Snegovaya NY & Pkhakadze VD (2014): New species of the genus Rilaena (Opiliones, Phalangiidae) from the Mount Gyamish, Azerbaijan. Vestnik zoologii 48(4), 313–318, doi:10.2478/vzoo-2014-0037.
- Snegovaya NY & Staręga W (2008): A new Homolophus species (Opiliones: Phalangiidae) from Lenkoran zone in Azerbaijan. Acta Arachnologica 57(1), 15–17.
- Snegovaya NY & Staręga W (2008): A new species of Zachaeus C. L. Koch from Azerbaijan (Opiliones: Phalangiidae). Acta Arachnologica 57(2), 71–73.
- Snegovaya NY & Staręga W (2011): Harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones) from Talysh, with description of a new genus and other taxonomical changes. Fragmenta Faunistica 54(1), 47–58.
- Snegovaya NY (1999): Contribution to the Harvest Spider (Arachnida, Opiliones) Fauna of the Caucasus. Tr. J. of Zoology 23, S. 453–459.
- Snegovaya NY (2003): Preliminary notes on the harvestman fauna (Opiliones) of Azerbaijan. European Arachnology 2003, 307–318.
- Snegovaya NY (2004): A new Opilio species (Arachnidae: Opiliones: Phalangiidae) from Azerbaijan. Arthropoda Selecta 13 (3), 129–134.
- Snegovaya NY (2005): On the harvestman fauna of Absheron-Gobustan zone (Azerbaijan), with a description of a new species (Opiliones). European Arachnology, 95–100.
- Snegovaya NY (2007): Two new harvestman species from Lenkoran, Azerbaijan (Arachnida: Opiliones: Phalangiidae). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 14 (2), 88–92.
- Snegovaya NY (2010): Further studies on harvestmen of the genus Opilio Herbst, 1798 (Arachnida: Opiliones: Phalangiidae) from the Caucasus. Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 6(1), 3–18.
- Snegovaya NY (2014): Survey of the genus Phalangium Linnaeus, 1758 (Phalangiidae: Opiliones) from the Caucasus with description of two new species. Fragmenta Faunistica 57(1), 1–19, doi:10.3161/00159301FF2014.57.1.001.
- Snegovaya NY (2016): Two New Opilio Herbst, 1798 Species (Arachnida: Opiliones: Phalangiidae) From Caucasus Region. Ecologica Montenegrina 8, 27–33.