Scorpiones C. L. Koch, 1837 |
Skorpione |
Euscorpius sp. |
Systematik |
Klasse: Arachnida (Spinnentiere) |
Die Skorpione (Scorpiones) formen die älteste, primitivste rezente Ordnung der Spinnentiere (Arachnida) mit 13 beschriebenen Familien und etwa 1400 Arten weltweit (Parker 1982).
Körperlänge: 10 bis 180 mm. Das Prosoma ist sechsgliedrig. Der ganze Carapax liegt auf der dorsalen Seite. Ein Paar von submedialen Augen und bis zu 5 Paare von Seitenaugen sind vorhanden. Die dreigliedrigen Cheliceren sind scherenartig. Die Pedipalpen sind die Scheren der Skorpione und bestehen aus 6 Gliedern. Die Coxen der ersten und zweiten Laufbeinpaare tragen anteriore Aufsprünge und formen die Basis der Mundhöhlung. Dadurch unterscheiden sie sich von anderen Spinnentieren, bei denen die Mundhöhlung durch die Enditen der ersten Coxen gebildet ist. Das Opisthosoma weist 13 Segmente auf. Die letzten 5 Segmente sind zu schmalen Ringen verengt und bilden das Metasoma. Dieses trägt das Telson (Endstachel und Giftblase) (Parker 1982).
Skorpione leben räuberisch. Viele Skorpione töten größere Beutetiere mit einem Stich durch den Stachel. (Parker 1982)
Der größere Teil der Skorpionarten lebt in trockenen Steppen oder Wüsten. Dennoch findet man auch viele Arten in den tropischen Regenwäldern der Erde. Einige sind sogar bis in südliche Gebiete von Mitteleuropa vorgedrungen. (Mahsberg et al. 1999)
Die an der Nordküste des Mittelmeeres vorkommenden Arten sind im großen und ganzen für Menschen ungefährlich (Habermehl 1994).
Dagegen findet man in Nordwestafrika fünf gefährliche Arten: Androctonus australis, Androctonus amoreuxi, Androctonus aeneas, Buthus occitanus und Buthacus arenicola; Buthacus occitanus kommt auch in Südfrankreich vor, ist dort aber ungefährlich (Habermehl 1994).
Vertreter der Ordnung leben vor allem in den Tropen und Subtropen. Skorpione finden sich aber weltweit auf allen Kontinenten mit Ausnahme der Antarktis. (Parker 1982)
Familien und Verbreitung
In Europa und im Maghreb kommen nach Datenlage dieses Wikis 5 Familien der Ordnung Scorpiones vor.[A]
Name | NO | SE | FI | IE | GB | GB-NIR | DK | DE | NL | BE | LU | PL | LT | LV | EE | CH | AT | LI | CZ | SK | HU |
Buthidae | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | (×) | ? | ? | |||||||
Euscorpiidae | (×) | ? | ? | ? | × | ? | ? | (×) | ? | (×) | ? | ? | (×) | ? | ? | × | × | ? | × | ? | × |
Name | PT | ES | ES-IB | AD | FR | FRH | IT | IT82 | IT88 | RO | BG | BA | SI | HR | ME | MK | RS | KV | AL | GR | GR-M |
Belisariidae | × | ? | ? | × | × | ? | |||||||||||||||
Buthidae | × | × | ? | ? | × | (×) | × | × | × | × | ? | × | × | × | |||||||
Euscorpiidae | × | × | ? | × | × | × | × | × | × | × | × | × | × | × | × | × | ? | × | × | × | |
Iuridae | ? | ? | ? | × | × |
Name | UA | BY | MD | RU-KGD | RU-RUW | RU-RUC | RU-RUE | RU-RUN | RU-RUS | TR-EUR | TR-ASI | CY | AM | AZ | GE | MA | DZ | TN | LY | EG | MT |
Buthidae | × | ? | ? | ? | × | × | × | × | × | × | × | × | × | × | × | × | × | ||||
Euscorpiidae | × | ? | ? | ? | × | × | × | × | × | × | × | ? | ? | × | × | × | × | × | × | ||
Iuridae | ? | ? | ? | ? | × | ? | ? | ||||||||||||||
Scorpionidae | ? | ? | ? | ? | × | ? | ? | × | × | × | × | × |
? | Checkliste nicht verfügbar | No checklist available |
× | Familienvorkommen bekannt | Family documented |
(×) | Familienvorkommen bekannt, keine Art etabliert | Family documented, no species established |
– | Familienvorkommen bekannt, alle Arten gestrichen | Family documented, all species removed from list |
Checkliste enthält Familie nicht | Checklist consulted, but family not found | |
Hinweise zur Nutzung der Tabellen: Die Spalten können durch Anklicken des Landeskürzels markiert werden. Durch einen zweiten Klick wird diese Markierung wieder gelöscht. |
- Ythier, E.: Scorpions of Europe (in The Scorpion Fauna).
- Habermehl GG (1994): Gifttiere und ihre Waffen. Springer-Verlag. ISBN 3-540-56897-2, S. 1–245.
- Mahsberg, D., R. Lippe & S. Kallas (1999): Skorpione. Natur und Tier-Verlag. 1 Auflage. ISBN 3931587150.
- Parker SP (1982): Synopsis and Classification of Living Organisms. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Quellen der Nachweise
- Abidi H, Sadine SE, Houhamdi M, Madoui A & Lourenço WR (2021): The genus Buthus Leach, 1815 (Scorpiones: Buthidae) in Algeria (Scorpiones: Buthidae) and a possible new case of vicariant species. Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 38, 81–86.
- Badry A, Saleh M, Sarhan MMH, Younes M, Lourenço WR & Ythier E: A new species of Leiurus Ehrenberg (Scorpiones: Buthidae) from Sinai, Egypt and comments on its relationships with L. quinquestriatus and L. hebraeus using morphological and molecular evidence. Faunitaxys 11(54), 1–10, doi:10.57800/faunitaxys-11(54).
- Blasco-Aróstegui J & Prendini L (2023): Glacial Relicts? A New Scorpion from Mount Olympus, Greece (Euscorpiidae: Euscorpius). American Museum Novitates 4003, 1–36.
- Blick T & Komposch C (2004): Checkliste der Skorpione Mittel- und Westeuropas.
- Cain S, Gefen E & Prendini L (2021): Systematic revision of the sand scorpions, genus Buthacus Birula, 1908 (Buthidae C. L. Koch, 1837) of the Levant, with redescription of Buthacus arenicola (Simon, 1885) from Algeria and Tunisia. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 450, 1–134.
- Dupre G, El Bouhissi M & Sadine SE (2023): La faune des scorpions d'Algérie. Arachnides n°108, 1–16.
- Dupre G (2018): Petite histoire du genre Euscorpius Thorell, 1876 (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae). Arachnides 85, S. 17–24.
- Dupre G (2021): Check-list des espèces du genre Buthus Leach, 1815 (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Arachnides 103, 1–12.
- Dupre G (2021): Histoire des scorpions de Libye. Arachnides 103, 13–17.
- Fet V, Graham MR, Webber MM & Blagoev G (2014): Two new species of Euscorpius (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae) from Bulgaria, Serbia, and Greece. Zootaxa 3894 (1), S. 83–105, ISSN 1175-5334.
- Fet V, Soleglad ME & Kovařík F (2009): Etudes on iurids, II. Revision of genus Calchas Birula, 1899, with the description of two new species (Scorpiones: Iuridae). Euscorpius 82, S. 1–72.
- Fet V, Soleglad ME, Parmakelis A, Kotsakiozi P & Stathi I (2014): Two new species of Euscorpius from Euboea Island, Greece (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae). Arthropoda Selecta 23, S. 111–126.
- Fet V (2010): Scorpions of Europe. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 62, S. 3–12.
- González-Moliné AL & de Armas LF (2024): Una especie nueva del género Buthus (Scorpiones: Buthidae) de la provincia De Huelva, España. Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 44, 75–84.
- Graham MR, Webber MM, Blagoev G, Ivanova N & Fet V (2012): Molecular and morphological evidence supports the elevation of Euscorpius germanus croaticus Di Caporiacco, 1950 (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae) to E. croaticus stat. nov., a rare species from Croatia. Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 21, S. 41–50, ISSN 1576-9518.
- Huber S (2019): Verbreitungsdaten Scorpiones (unveröff. Liste).
- Karaman IM (2020): A new Euscorpius species (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae) from a Dinaric cave - the first record of troglobite scorpion in European fauna. Biologia Serbica 42(1), 14–31, doi:10.5281/zenodo.4147285.
- Kovařík F & Šťáhlavský F (2020): Five new species of Euscorpius Thorell, 1876 (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae) from Albania, Greece, North Macedonia, and Serbia. Euscorpius 315, 1–37.
- Kovařík F, Audy M, Sarbu SM & Fet V (2023): Euscorpius sulfur sp. n. (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae), a new cave scorpion from Albania and northwestern Greece. Euscorpius 379, 1–14.
- Kovařík F, Fet V & Siyam M (2020): Тaxonomic position of Orthochirus olivaceus (Karsch, 1881), the type species of the genus Orthochirus Karsch, 1892 (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Euscorpius 319, 1–15.
- Kovařík F, Fet V & Soleglad ME (2014): Euscorpius yagmuri sp. n., a New Scorpion Species from Epirus, Northwestern Greece (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae). Euscorpius 193, S. 1–11.
- Kovařík F, Fet V, Gantenbein B, Graham MR, Yağmur EA, Šťáhlavský F, Poverennyi NM & Novruzov NE (2022): A revision of the genus Mesobuthus Vachon}, 1950, with a description of 14 new species (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Euscorpius 348, 1–189.
- Kovařík F, Lowe G, Byronová M & Šťáhlavský F (2020): Euscorpius thracicus sp. n. (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae) from Bulgaria. Euscorpius 326, 1–17.
- Kovařík F, Štundlová J, Fet V & Šťáhlavský F (2019): Seven new Alpine species of the genus Alpiscorpius Gantenbein et al., 1999, stat. n. (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae). Euscorpius 287, S. 1–29.
- Kovařík F (2007): A Revision of the Genus Hottentotta Birula, 1908, with Descriptions of Four New Species (Scorpiones, Buthidae). Euscorpius 58, 1–107.
- Kovařík F (2019): Taxonomic reassessment of the genera Lychas, Mesobuthus, and Olivierus, with descriptions of four new genera (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Euscorpius 288, S. 1–27.
- Lourenço WR & Leguin E-A (2011): Further considerations on the species of the genus Orthochirus Karsch, 1891 from Africa, with description of three new species (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Euscorpius 123, 1–19.
- Lourenço WR & Leguin E-A (2011): One more new species of the genus Orthochirus Karsch, 1891 from Africa (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Euscorpius 135, 1–6.
- Lourenço WR & Leguin E-A (2014): Une nouvelle Espèce d' Hottentotta Birula, 1908 pour le Massif du Hoggar en Algérie (Scorpiones, Buthidae). Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 24, 15–18.
- Lourenço WR & Rossi A (2013): Confirmation of a new species of Buthus Leach, 1815 from Sicily (Scorpiones, Buthidae). Biogeographical Implications. Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 22, S. 9–14, ISSN 1576-9518.
- Lourenço WR & Sadine SE (2021): The genus Orthochirus Karsch, 1891, in Algeria with description of a new species (Scorpiones, Buthidae). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 126 (2), 175–181, doi:10.32475/bsef_2192.
- Lourenço WR, Kourim ML & Sadine SE (2017): Scorpions from the region of Tamanrasset, Algeria. Part I. A new species of Buthacus Birula, 1908 (Scorpiones: Buthidae). ARACHNIDA – Rivista Aracnologica Italiana Anno III, Volume XIII, 31–41.
- Lourenço WR, Kourim ML & Sadine SE (2018): Scorpions from the region of Tamanrasset, Algeria. Part II. A new African species of the genus Leiurus Ehrenberg, 1828 (Scorpiones: Buthidae). ARACHNIDA – Rivista Aracnologica Italiana Anno IV, Volume XVI, 3–14.
- Lourenço WR (2015): The genus Belisarius Simon, 1879 (Scorpiones: Troglotayosicidae), with the description of a new vicariant species from the south of Spain. Comptes Rendus Biologies 338 (5), S. 362–367.
- Naumova M (2023): Survey of the Moroccan arachnids (Araneae, Scorpiones & Solifugae) in the collections of the Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgaria. Arachnologische Mitteilungen 66, 72–78, doi:10.30963/aramit6608.
- Novruzov NE, Kovařík F & Fet V (2022): Mesobuthus zarudnyi sp. n. from Azerbaijan (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Euscorpius 347, 1–9.
- Pantini P & Isaia M (2019): the online Catalog of Italian spiders, with addenda on other Arachnid Orders occurring in Italy (Arachnida: Araneae, Opiliones, Palpigradi, Pseudoscorpionida, Scorpiones, Solifugae). Fragmenta entomologica 51 (2), S. 127–152.
- Pfliegler WP, Schönhofer A, Niedbała W, Vella P, Sciberras A & Vella A (2017): New records of mites (Acari) and harvestmen (Opiliones) from Malta with a preliminary checklist of Maltese Arachnida. Soil Organisms 89 (2), S. 85–110, ISSN 2509-9523.
- Podnar M, Grbac I, Tvrtković N, Hörweg C & Haring E (2021): Hidden diversity, ancient divergences, and tentative Pleistocene microrefugia of European scorpions (Euscorpiidae: Euscorpiinae) in the eastern Adriatic region. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 59 (8), 1824–1849, doi:10.1111/jzs.12562.
- Podnar M, Tvrtković N, Vuković M, Rebrina F, Grbac I & Hörweg C (2022): Alpiscorpius liburnicus sp. n. with a note on the “Alpiscorpius croaticus group” (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae) in Croatia. Natura Croatica Vol. 31, No. 2, 265–282, doi:10.20302/NC.2022.31.19.
- Podnar M, Vignoli V & Tvrtković N (2024): Phylogeographic structuring within recently diverged scorpion species, Euscorpius borovaglavaensis Tropea, 2015 (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae) in Croatia, with the description of a new subspecies. Natura Croatica 33, 29–52, doi:10.20302/NC.2024.33.3.
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- Rossi A (2012): Notes on the distribution of the species of the genus Buthus (Leach, 1815) (Scorpiones, Buthidae) in Europe, with a description of a new species from Spain. Arachnology 15 (8), S. 273–279, doi:10.13156/arac.2012.15.1.273.
- Sadine SE, Souilem Z, Chedad A, Chebihi B, Zebsa R, Houhamdi M, Lourenço WR & Ythier E (2024): A new species of Buthacus Birula, 1908 from the Algerian Saharan Desert (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Faunitaxys 12(9), 1–9, doi:10.57800/faunitaxys-12(9).
- Teruel R & Turiel C (2020): The genus Buthus Leach, 1815 (Scorpiones: Buthidae) in the Iberian Peninsula. Part 1: Four redescriptions and six new species. Revista Ibérica de Aracnología nº 37, 3–60.
- Teruel R & Turiel C (2021): "New Kid on the Block": The West African scorpion Hottentotta hottentotta (Fabricius, 1787) (Scorpiones: Buthidae) may have become established in Spain. Revista Ibérica de Aracnología nº 39, 107–109, ISSN 1576-9518.
- Teruel R & Turiel C (2021): The genus Buthus Leach, 1815 (Scorpiones: Buthidae) in the Iberian Peninsula. Part 2: Two more redescriptions. Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 38, 3–20.
- Teruel R & Turiel C (2021): The genus Buthus Leach, 1815 (Scorpiones: Buthidae) in the Iberian Peninsula. Part 3: a new species from central Spain and new records. Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 39, 3–11, ISSN 1576-9518.
- Teruel R & Turiel C (2022): The genus Buthus Leach, 1815 (Scorpiones: Buthidae) in the Iberian Peninsula. Part 4: A new Species from Southern Spain. Revista Ibérica de Aracnología nº 40, 19–29.
- Teruel R & Turiel C (2022): The genus Buthus Leach, 1815 (Scorpiones: Buthidae) in the Iberian Peninsula. Part 5: A new psammophile species from northern Spain, a synonymy and first albinism record in the genus. Revista Ibérica de Aracnología nº 41, 15–36.
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- Tropea G & Ozimec R (2020): Another new species of Euscorpius Thorell, 1876 from the caves of Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae), with notes on biogeography and cave ecology. Euscorpius 308, 1–13.
- Tropea G & Parmakelis A (2022): Reconsideration of some populations of Euscorpius concinnus complex (Scorpiones, Euscorpiidae). ZooKeys 1100, 117–164, doi:10.3897/zookeys.1100.78979.
- Tropea G, Fet V, Parmakelis A & Stathi I (2024): Two New Species of Euscorpius (Scorpiones, Euscorpiidae) from Bulgaria and Greece. Zoodiversity 58(1), 1–18, doi:10.15407/zoo2024.01.001.
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- Tropea G, Fet V, Parmakelis A, Kotsakiozi P & Stathi I (2015): A new species of Euscorpius from Bulgaria and Greece (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae). Euscorpius 207, S. 1–15.
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- Tropea G, Fet V, Parmakelis A, Kotsakiozi P & Stathi I (2017): Redescription of Euscorpius tauricus (C.L. Koch, 1837), with the description of two new related species from Greece (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae). Ecologica Montegrina 7, S. 614–638, ISSN 2336-9744.
- Tropea G, Fet V, Parmakelis A, Kotsakiozi P, Stathi I & Zafeiriou S (2020): Euscorpius lesbiacus n. sp., a new species of scorpion from Lesvos Island, Greece (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae). Revista Ibérica de Aracnología nº 37, 185–195.
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- Tropea G (2012): A new species of Euscorpius Thorell, 1876 (Scorpiones, Euscorpiidae) from Italy. Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 15 (8), S. 253–259.
- Tropea G (2013): Reconsideration of the taxonomy of Euscorpius tergestinus (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae). Euscorpius 162, S. 1–23.
- Tropea G (2013): A new species of Euscorpius Thorell, 1876 from the Western Balkans (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae). Euscorpius 174, S. 1–10.
- Tropea G (2015): A new species of Euscorpius Thorell, 1876 from Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae). Arachnida - Rivista Aracnologica Italiana 1 (5), S. 30–41.
- Tropea G (2016): A new species of Euscorpius Thorell, 1876 from Sicily, in southern Italy (Scorpiones, Euscorpiidae). Arachnida - Rivista Aracnologica Italiana 7 (2), S. 37–47.
- Tropea G (2021): Concerning some Balkan Euscorpiidae populations (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae). Biologia Serbica 43 (2), 22–54, doi:10.5281/zenodo.5807261.
- Turiel C (2014): A new species of Hottentotta Birula, 1908 (Scorpiones: Buthidae) from southern Morocco. Euscorpius 181, 1–9.
- Yağmur EA, Kovařík F, Fet V, Hussen FS, Kurt R, Al-Khazali AM, Kachel HS & Al-Fanharawi AA (2024): New records of Mesobuthus mesopotamicus (Penther, 1912) in Iraq and Mesobuthus faiki sp. n. from Turkey (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Euscorpius 388, 1–22.
- Yağmur EA, Koç H & Kunt KB (2009): Description of a new species of Leiurus Ehrenberg, 1828 (Scorpiones: Buthidae) from Southеastеrn Turkey. Euscorpius 85, 1–20, doi:10.18590/euscorpius.2009.vol2009.iss85.1.
- Yağmur EA, Koç H & Lourenço WR (2011): A new species of Buthus Leach, 1815 from Cyprus (Scorpiones, Buthidae). ZooKeys 115, S. 27–38, doi:10.3897/zookeys.115.1135.
- Yağmur EA, Koç H, Kesmezoğlu S & Yalçın M (2007): Scorpions of Kilis Province, Turkey (Arachnida: Scorpiones). Serket 10(3), 91–105.
- Yağmur EA, Kılıç MS & Yılmaz Ö (2021): An anomaly of chelicera in Scorpio kruglovi Birula, 1910 (Scorpiones: Scorpionidae). Euscorpius 335, 1–4.
- Yağmur EA, Soleglad ME, Fet V & Kovařík F (2013): Etudes on iurids, VI. Further revision of Calchas Birula, 1899 (Scorpiones: Iuridae), with a description of a new genus and two new species. Euscorpius 159, 1–37.
- Yağmur EA (2021): Androctonus turkiyensis sp. n. from the Şanlıurfa Province, Turkey (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Euscorpius 341, 1–18.
- Yağmur EA (2021): The first record of Euscorpius lesbiacus Tropea et al., 2020 (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae) in Turkey. Euscorpius 333, 1–5.
- Yağmur EA (2023): Androctonus kunti sp. n. from Iğdır Province, Turkey (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Euscorpius 371, 1-23.
- Yağmur EA (2024): Euscorpius gulhanimae sp. n. from the Konya Province, Turkey (Scorpiones: Euscorpiidae). Euscorpius 393, 1–13.
- Ythier E & François A (2023): The scorpion fauna of the Oriental region in Morocco (Scorpiones: Buthidae, Scorpionidae) with description of three new species of the genus Scorpio Linnaeus, 1758. Faunitaxys 11(3), 1–15, doi:10.57800/faunitaxys-11(3).
- Ythier E (2021): A new species of Androctonus Ehrenberg, 1828 from the Sahelian wooded steppes of Burkina Faso (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Faunitaxys 9(31), 1–7.
- Ythier E (2021): The genus Buthus Leach, 1815 (Scorpiones: Buthidae) in France with description of a new species from the Eastern Pyrenees. Faunitaxys 9(38), 1–10.
- Ythier E (2023): A new species of Buthus Leach, 1815 from the Atlantic coast of Morocco (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Faunitaxys 11(69), 1–7, doi:10.57800/faunitaxys-11(69).